Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Why Are Liberals So Angry?

The election is over, but liberals keep sniping at Trump.  It does not seem to matter what he does.  As long as he is the one doing it, it is regarded as evidence of depravity.  We see this inclination in the media, on college campuses, and from the mouth of our current president.  But why is this so?
Almost no one is happy to lose; nevertheless most adjust gracefully.  They do not spend weeks trying to demonstrate that the winner is illegitimate.  They do not give the nation the finger by stabbing an ally (Israel) in the back.  Although they might cry in their beer, they do not try to box in the victor.
So what is going on?  Why are liberals so distressed?  It is not enough to say that they were surprised by their loss.  They were, but they have been surprised before.  Neither is it sufficient to point out that they do not trust Trump.  They did not trust Reagan or Nixon either.
So, I repeat, what is going on?  My conclusion is that liberals are terrified.  We see their anger, but I suspect that it is being employed to cover up their massive fears.  Yet what is it they fear?  It cannot be that they worry about never winning again.  They have been down in the past and come back.
What is different this time?  First, liberals know that the Obama administration did not succeed.  It did not furnish the anticipated hope and change.  The economy has been sluggish for eight years.  Foreign policy is a mess.  What is more, the nation is more divided and rancorous than in generations.
Yes, I know that Obama brags about having created millions of jobs.  I also know that his partisans insist ObamaCare is a roaring success.  Many liberals even have the temerity to claim that the Iran deal ensured that the mullahs will never get a nuclear weapon.
Nonetheless, in their heart of hearts, liberals know these assertions are false.  And that is their problem.  They are not afraid that Trump will destroy the country.  They are afraid that he will succeed.  The last thing they want is for him to make America great again.
If he does, you see, it will put the lie to their boasts.  It will demonstrate that they have brought us neither prosperity, nor safety, nor social justice.  They will be exposed as Charlatans who can talk a good game, but are unable to produce.
You might imagine that what troubles them is the prospect of enduring the pain of public humiliation.  No one enjoys being revealed as wrong or inept.  This was why the New York Times hated Rudy Giuliani so much when he proved that New York City could be governed; that its crime rate could be reduced.
As distressing as this sort of revelation might be, even more distressing would be the realization that the liberal agenda is fatally flawed.  Liberals believe their own propaganda.  They are convinced that they are smarter and more compassionate than others.  They are equally certain their opponents are dumb and mean-spirited.
But what happens when events put a lie to these conceits?  If liberal egos are punctured, can they still consider themselves special?  The liberal ideology enables its adherents to make sense of an otherwise confusing world; hence if this worldview is discredited, they will be emotionally and intellectually adrift.
This is their chief fear.  Their belief system provides them with a sense of control.  As long as they are convinced they possess the formula for personal and/or social success, they need not dread unexpected developments.  If they, and only they, know where history is going, they can continue to feel in charge.
Without this, however, their inner cowardice would come to the fore.  When deprived of their fantasies, they would be forced to confront their personal inadequacies.  Mind you, we all have weaknesses.  We all fool ourselves about some things in order to keep our demons at bay.
The point is that, at this moment, it is the liberals who are in danger of being stripped of their ideological defenses.  Many of them are in panic mode, lest their feet of clay be uncovered.
Melvyn L. Fein, Ph.D.
Professor of Sociology

Kennesaw State University

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