Wednesday, July 26, 2017

In Defense of Western Civilization

Several weeks ago, in Warsaw, President Trump issued a ringing endorsement of Western Civilization.  He praised Western values and cited Western music, literature, and religion as a legacy of which Europeans and Americans could be proud.
Within days, the American Left counter-attacked.  In outlets, like the Atlantic Magazine and the Washington Post, writers expressed outrage at the implication that figures such as Beethoven and Shakespeare had done something special.  This assertion was nothing less than a coded argument in favor of racism and white supremacy.
I, for one, was amazed by this line of reasoning.  When journalists endorse freedom of the press, I am with them.  But when they defame the cultural advances that made this freedom possible, they expose the brain-dead status of contemporary progressivism.
The Atlantic is a magazine of ideas.  As such, it has been very influential.  But who invented this format?  Meanwhile, the Washington Post is a mass circulation newspaper.  So who initiated the printing press as a mode of public communication?  Why, it was Westerners of course.  These innovations were not developed in Africa, or China, or India.
Think of how much we owe to Western civilization.  It is responsible not just for great music and literature.  Who, after all, gave us modern science, the industrial revolution, state-of-the-art medicine, the airplane, the railroad, the computer, free public education, television, reading glasses, the fork, the mechanical clock, the pocket, or the chimney?
 More importantly, who gave us democracy, the Bill of Rights, or religious tolerance?  It wasn’t the Chinese.  It wasn’t the Africans.  It wasn’t the Indians.  These tools, without which, the writers at the Atlantic could not spout their egregious nonsense, evolved first in Europe and then spread to our shores.
But more than this, the folks who made these contributions were primarily Caucasian.  That’s right, they were white.  Is this something of which we should be ashamed?  Should folks of European descent deny their heritage just because some other folks might be offended?
The Chinese made some wonderful contributions to civilization.  They gave us moveable print and gunpowder.  The Indians also made superb contributions.  They gave us the modern numbering system.  The African has likewise advanced our knowledge, most notably in Egypt.
In celebrating what white folks have achieved, there is no need to denigrate what these others have done.  But neither do we enhance the impact of non-Europeans by denouncing the inputs of the West.  Fake history is fake history.  Promoting a sanitized version of the past cannot erase what actually happened.
Contemporary liberalism is shot through with fantasies and well-intentioned insults.  In the name of political correctness, it now demands that everyone be equal in every respect—whether or not this is the case.  As a result, it is dumbing down our culture and hastening its decline.
Everyone deserves an opportunity to succeed, no matter what the skin color or ethnic background.  Nonetheless, a person’s chances are not advanced by intellectual fictions.  Did this tactic, for instance, help the Russians when they claimed to have invented everything from the airplane to the automobile?
Worse yet, what alternative to modernism are the hyper-liberals proposing? It surely cannot be a variation of Chinese socialism or African tribalism.  Left-wingers like to criticize capitalism and the free market.  Yet these have furnished humanity with greater freedom and prosperity than any previous form of social organization.
True, western nations have sponsored slavery and sexism.  But they also supplied the intellectual tools and democratic institutions to move us beyond these.  Can this be said of socialism, anarchism, or Asian autocracy? 
The Bible tells us, “You will know them by their fruits.”  If so, most of the fruits of Western Civilization have been very nutritious.  If they are allowed to further ripen, they may yet become tastier and more wholesome in their extent.
Simply burning down the orchard is no answer.  Intellectuals, who in their hatred of Trump, hope to excise every shred of human progress do none of us a service.  By making skin color the sole criteria of acceptability, they disseminate the very racism they abhor.
Melvyn L. Fein, Ph.D.
Professor of Sociology

Kennesaw State University

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