Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Who Are the Real Nazis?

By now you have probably heard it dozens of times.  Donald Trump has been called a Nazi, a reincarnation of Adolf Hitler, and a danger to our American democracy.  To hear the liberals tell it, our new president is on the verge of sponsoring a putsch.
As the columnist Tammy Bruce has pointed out, this is nothing new.  Ronald Reagan was also accused of fascist tendencies and a desire to overthrow our way of life.  He too was said to be an enemy of the Bill of Rights and an implacable foe of free speech.
Of course, Reagan proved to be nothing of the sort.  Neither is Trump.  His desire to keep potential terrorists away from our shores is not the same as rounding up Jews and sending them to concentration camps.  Nor is calling the mainstream media an enemy of the people the same as burning books and killing journalists.
Why then are so many liberals so adamant in their denunciation of our chief executive?  Could this be a case of projection?  Are they seeing in him what is actually a part of their own character? 
Sadly, I think the answer is yes.  I know there are many genuine patriots on the left side of the aisle.  I also know that many of them would never sanction the strong-arm tactics of the Nazis.  But then again, many would—and do.
Do you remember how often the tea party crowd was accused of rioting in order to bring down the government?  Do you recall how frequently they were castigated for using foul language or intimidating those who disagreed with them?  They did almost none of that.  But you know who does?
Opponents of Trump have not only shouted down legislators at townhall meetings, they have gone to their homes to harass them.  These folks not only call the president’s supporters names, they have thrown punches, eggs, and rocks.  They have even closed down airports in the name of protest.
What is worse, liberals have repeatedly sought to get those with whom they differ fired from their jobs.  They gleefully ruin careers, destroy reputations, distort the news, and pervert the legal system.  There is almost no line they will not cross in an effort to win.  Does this remind you of anyone?
Kimberley Strassel of the Wall Street Journal has recently written a book that should be mandatory reading for every loyal American.  Entitled The Intimidation Game: How the Left Is Silencing Free Speech, the subtitle should be How the Left Is Undermining Democracy. 
A combination of rogues gallery and horror story, her work cites numerous Democratic attempts to pervert honest government.  It is, I must admit, heavy going because she enumerates not just a few, but hundreds of incidents in which progressive partisans sought to quash democratic opposition.
Both on the state and federal level, media misrepresentations and outright threats have been used to cow people into silence.  Homes have been raided, businesses have been audited, and ordinary citizens have been spat upon.  This is not a dialogue about social policy as is claimed.  It is plain and simple thuggery.
Liberals talk about protecting our rights, when they mean their rights.  They brag about their compassion, when it is reserved for their allies.  These folks have no hesitation when it comes to insulting or muzzling those who get in their way.
My relatives in New Jersey, a deep blue state, keep telling me tales about how they are verbally attacked by erstwhile friends if they say anything favorable to Trump.  Amazingly, their Jewish associates denounce Trump as anti-Semitic, when it was Obama who put the knife in Israel’s back.
This has become a looking glass world where those who use Nazi tactics blame those who don’t of deeds perpetrated by the accusers.  Truly mean-spirited people vulgarly denounce their polite adversaries for being, guess what, mean-spirited.  Why this isn’t obvious to everyone is beyond me.
Trump is not a danger to our democracy.  Toleration of neo-Nazi conduct by those who perpetrate, but ostensibly deplore it, is much more alarming.  This might lead them to condone the conduct that ultimately rips our constitution apart.
Melvyn L. Fein, Ph.D.
Professor of Sociology

Kennesaw State University

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