Donald Trump had barely been
elected when so-called protesters showed up in front of Trump Tower in New
York. Likewise, he had not yet been
administered the oath of office when another batch of demonstrators attempted
to disrupt his inauguration.
These folks style themselves
patriots. They claim that their goal is
to protect the nation and promote justice.
This is rank nonsense. They are
anarchists and/or totalitarians. They
want to tear down the United States and replace it with their screwball
The actual motives of these
dissenters are revealed in their tactics.
How they operate is wholly negative.
They march and shout vulgarities.
They bang pots and break windows.
They throw rocks at the police and lie down to obstruct traffic. Never do we hear a constructive idea from the
lips of these erstwhile reformers.
Contemplate the more than
one third of congressional Democrats who boycotted the inauguration. They were not only disrespecting the
in-coming president; they were disrespecting over two centuries of
tradition. These partisans thumbed their
noses at the institutions that have preserved social stability.
Or ponder those rock
throwers. They remind me the brown and
black shirts who roughed up Germans and Italians in order to impose Nazism or
Fascism. The common goal of these
ruffians was to intimidate others. How
ironic it is that left-wing thugs now accuse law-abiding citizens of being
fascists. These hooligans apparently do
not know the meaning of the word.
Nor do the demonstrators
understand democracy or justice. They may
regard themselves as the good guys, but they are prepared to vitiate the will
of voters and impose their own inanities.
If others disagree, they do not listen.
If their radical schemes are resisted, they enforce them anyway.
As for being intellectuals,
this is a joke. Not only do they not
understand the beliefs of their opponents; they do not even try to comprehend
them. Trapped in an echo-chamber of
their own making, they do not know history, or economics, or sociology. They think they do, but this is because they
don’t know what they don’t know.
Left-wing malcontents of
this sort have not had a new idea since Franklin Roosevelt. In fact, their philosophy can be summed up in
a few sentences. To wit: The powerful
are oppressing the weak. These tyrants
must be prevented from doing so by bureaucratic regulations. At the same time, government programs need to
strengthen the vulnerable.
That’s it. That’s the sum total of their brilliant
insights. As for the anarchists, their
collective acumen is even more dazzling.
They assume that if the government is destroyed, we will instantly
revert to a gigantic loving family. It
never occurs to them that their own frenzied methods refute this theory.
On top of this, the
protestors are vehemently and pugnaciously anti-American. So far are they from being patriots that they
despise our nation. Although they insist
that they are engaging in violence because they love us, they scorn what we
have hitherto been in favor of their imaginary designs. Indeed, they want us to become altogether
different from what anyone has ever been.
In other words, the protesters
are entirely oppositional. They are
defined by what they impugn, rather than what they would accomplish. Despite all of their moralistic posturing,
they are far worse human beings than those they criticize. If there were any doubts, the valedictory deeds
of their hero, president Barack Obama, lay bare their inner depravity.
Obama commuted the sentence
of “Chelsea” Manning—an arrant traitor.
Against the pleas of military commanders, Barack elected to release an
avowed enemy of our nation. Of course,
Obama has been doing this right along with the discharge of Gitmo detainees.
Our out-going
commander-in-chief also decided to abandon Israel to the wolves. It did not matter that it is a democracy and
long-standing ally. Where were the
protesters when this occurred? Where too
were they when the Chicago police, rather than the Chicago gangs, came under
withering fire?
If protestors are not
constructive, they are no more than a rabble.
In their own deluded eyes they may be gallant superstars. In reality, they are mean-spirited crackpots.
Melvyn L. Fein, Ph.D.
Professor of Sociology
Kennesaw State University