Monday, November 23, 2015

Pretending Makes It So

The ACLU sued.  The Department of Justice threatened to withhold millions of dollars.  Why?  Because a school district south of Chicago was treating a transgender student unequally.  This teenager had been unfairly branded by authorities who would not to be reasonable.
What did these officials do?  Well, they had refused to allow this genetically male student equal access to the girl’s shower.  Meanwhile, they did permit cross-dressing.  They also permitted him/her to use the girl’s bathrooms, as long as these had separate stalls.  They even constructed a curtained off area in the girl’s locker room.
This, however, was not enough.  As long as he/she was being treated differently in any way, this constituted unlawful discrimination.  Such conduct was ostracizing and hence prejudicial.  What is more, it singled the student out as distinctive, which was stigmatizing and thus an identity threat.
But does this make sense?  Suppose that the school district had capitulated and allowed showering in the same communal stall.  Would the girls fail to notice the still male genitalia?  Would they regard him/her as the same as themselves just because of “her” self-identification?
My question is: Wouldn’t this still be stigmatizing?  Of course it would.  There is no way to make a transgendered person exactly like the other female students—especially before a surgical procedure removed his male parts.
So what do the ACLU and Obama administration want?  Apparently they expect us to pretend that he/she is fully female and act accordingly.  They essentially ask us to make believe there is total equality when there is not.
This, in fact, is symptomatic of what has happened to contemporary liberalism.  Progressives have come to believe that pretending can always make it so.  The more frequently their policies fail, the more regularly they make believe that they have succeeded.
The way liberals tell it, there are no significant differences between males and females so let’s pretend there are not and eliminate separate bathroom facilities.  Let’s also put women on the front lines of the military.
As for violence, this sort of injustice can likewise be eradicated by making believe.  Thus, when a six year old in Illinois pretends to shoot another student with an invisible bow and arrow, we must treat this as the real thing.  Zero tolerance requires us to place the child on a three day suspension.
An Ohio eighth grader must also be suspended for hugging another student.  This is a violation on two levels in that it is a sexual assault.  Never mind that neither of the students regarded it as such.
What other things do liberals demand that we treat as real?  The list is exceptionally long.  We can begin by observing that we are asked to believe that the police are systematically killing blacks.  On the other hand, we must not notice the carnage occurring among inner-city minorities.
Nor must we recognize that the national debt has gotten out of hand.  Our entitlement programs are in imminent danger of going broke, but they have not yet collapsed so let us close our eyes and fantasize that they won’t.  This way we can keep spending money like drunken sailors.
Nor need we do anything about the Middle Eastern threats.  Neither we, nor the Israelis, are in any real danger.  Besides the Russians are being helpful and the Iranians will never develop an atomic bomb.  And, oh yes, we are in the process of defeating ISIS.
As for Hillary, she didn’t lie.  She was only confused.  With regard to our southern border, it is totally secure.  And those sanctuary cities; in preventing us from arresting “undocumented” aliens, they are really protecting our freedoms.  Meanwhile the economy is expanding nicely.
Liberals, who claim to be sophisticated intellectuals, are only able to promote their nonsensical dogmas by convincing us to regard these as “common sense.”  In reality, they are the ravings of ideological failures who have gone completely around the bend.
Melvyn L. Fein, Ph.D.
Professor of Sociology

Kennesaw State University

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