Saturday, April 20, 2013

Doubling Down on Liberal Democrats

For a while there I was worried. In the wake of their November loss, too many Republicans began to sound like perpetual losers. Instead of looking toward the future, they decided to do a self-autopsy, which is a little like self-disembowelment.

Didn’t conservatives understand that the best defense is a good offense? Didn’t they realize that the more apologies they made, the more is appeared they had a lot to apologize for?

In any event, I find this defensiveness particularly galling when those on the political right protest that they are not racists or sexists. They do so because the charge that they are has become a standard feature of the liberal armamentum; wheeled out whenever leftists do something foolish.

Why? Rather than be criticized, Democrats recognize that if they can put their adversaries off balance, their foes will be so busy protecting their flanks they won’t have the time to fight back.

Yet liberals too have many glaring weaknesses. Ironically among these are often the very things for which the castigate conservatives. Hence I say it is time to double down on liberal Democrats and give them a taste of their own medicine.

What do I mean? Why I am talking about using the “Chicago way” against them. You know, they bring a knife to the fight; you bring a gun. They put one of yours in the hospital; you put one of theirs in the morgue.

The way this works is that when they call you a racist; you respond by calling them “double racists.” When they label you a sexist; you slam them as “double sexists.” When they describe you a “classist;” you denounce them as “double classists.” This may sound childish, but it has the virtue of being true.

Okay, let’s go through the numbers. Are liberals double racists? You bet they are. They are prejudiced not only against whites, but also against blacks. The white part is obvious. Liberals are forever blasting whites for being bigots who do not realize how privileged they are.

But liberals also attack blacks. No, they do not do so directly; they do it by implication. Time and again African-Americans are infantilized. They are treated as if they are too dumb and too weak to be held to the same standards as their fellow citizens. This is an insult of the first magnitude for which blacks should be up in arms.

Next we turn to gender. Are liberals biased against men? Anyone who has been paying attention knows they are. Men are routinely libeled as misogynistic villains, who enjoy nothing more than terrorizing women by threatening them with rape. In the liberal universe, heterosexual love is not possible because men are incapable of it.

But women do not get off Scott free either. They are slandered whenever they attempt to be too feminine. Whatever their personal inclinations, they must go out to conquer the world by becoming corporate CEOs. Should they have the temerity of wanting to be wives and mothers, they are vilified as traitors to their gender.

Finally, there is the charge of classism. Clearly Republicans are castigated for loving the rich so much that they oppress the poor. Nevertheless liberals are double classists in that they despise both the rich and the poor.

The rich part of the equation is easy to verify in that liberals are forever demanding that the wealthy pay their “fair share.” What they consider fair, however, tends to mean that the government will take whatever it wants until the affluent no longer are.

As for the poor, they too are crushed under the heel of uncaring liberals. How you ask? Why in the same manner as the old joke, which proclaims that God must really love the poor because he made so many of them. Given the way Democrats are undermining the economy, they too seem intent on multiplying the ranks of the impoverished.


Melvyn L. Fein, Ph.D.

Professor of Sociology

Kennesaw State University

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