Saturday, September 22, 2012

The Hitler School of Politics

It was bound to happen. Sooner of later, the most well practiced political liars in America were going to call their Republican adversaries liars. It should, therefore have come as no surprise that Mitt Romney has been compared with Joseph Goebbels and his wife Ann with Eva Braun.

What is shocking, however, is the degree to which Barack Obama and his merry band of extreme liberals have emulated the Nazi example. Amazing as it may sound, their playbook is a variation on the Hitler school of politics. The evidence is both chilling and overwhelming.

In the past, I have been taken to task for comparing some of Obama’s actions with those of Hitler, but I am about to double down. Mind you, Barack does not advocate a “final solution,” nor will he intentionally start a World War, but he has copied many of the Fuhrer’s methods. Who would have suspected this from a party that bills itself as “democratic?”

Now let’s look at some of the details. I, and many others, have been appalled by the insouciance with which Barack and company tell lies, and lies, and more lies. It is they, who like Goebbels, believe the Big Lie told often enough passes as the truth.

Witness some of the whoppers told at the recent Democratic National Convention. Who but practiced prevaricators would claim that Republicans seek to deprive women of the vote or contraceptives? Who but someone careless with the truth, like our vice-President, would imply that the “territorial tax” was a tax increase, as opposed to a decrease, and that it sought to export jobs overseas?

But enough about the lies, there have been so many regarding the budget, ObamaCare, and transparency that it would take several books to catalog them. Let’s consider the blame game. Hitler too distracted attention from his failures by blaming others, most notably the Jews and communists. They were allegedly responsible for Germany’s economic troubles.

Obama, of course, blames the Republicans, the Japanese tsunami, the oil spill in the Gulf, the European meltdown, etc., etc. Then, like Hitler, he seeks to punish those who defy him. The Nazis obviously sent the Jews to concentration camps and invaded Poland after falsely accusing that small nation of attacking Germany. With Obama, it is rich business people he hopes to bring to their knees—all in the name of fairness.

On the other hand, again like Hitler, Barack rewards his friends in order to keep them loyal. If you wanted to succeed in Nazi Germany, you had to be a member of the Nazi party. If you want to do well in Obama’s America, you have to donate to his campaign—as did the unions, the owners of Solyndra, and numerous other crony capitalists.

And if the law gets in the way, why you just ignore it. If the Reichstag won’t do your bidding, burn it down. If congress won’t give you the immigration legislation you want, pretend it has and implement it as you desire. You can even disregard explicit legislation about requiring work for welfare.

Above all, portray yourself as a brilliant faultless leader from whom all benefits flow. You, not your opponents, have a vision of the future based on your unique understanding of the will of the American people. You “get it,” while those who disagree with you do not.

As to those who do not understand, you must intimidate them. Hitler called the Jews vermin in need of extinction, but you, Obama, in service to political correctness, can call conservatives racists, sexists, and essentially counter-revolutionaries. After all, don’t they want to take the country back to a horrific past?

It also helps to control the media. Goebbels made the Big Lie work because he could keep the truth out of the papers and off the radio. Obama is fortunate that the mainstream media won’t even report on a DNC vote to eliminate God and Jerusalem as the capital of Israel from their platform.

Melvyn L. Fein, Ph.D.

Professor of Sociology

Kennesaw State University.

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